About Email verification

Some features in Really Simple SSL rely on the ability to send emails to a website administrator or to your users. To make sure these e-mail messages reach the intended recipient an e-mail verification function is included under “Settings -> General”. During activation of the plugin a verification email is sent to the supplied email address (the main WordPress administrator user by default). If you want to change the email address Really Simple SSL uses for notifications or resend the verification e-mail, you will need to click the “Send” button in the email settings under “Settings -> General”.

As long as the supplied email address is not verified, a warning about this will be visible in the Really Simple SSL dashboard. To get rid of this warning, you need to click on the button or URL in the verification e-mail sent to the supplied e-mail address.


An error occurred: Could not instantiate mail function.

Really Simple SSL uses the standard mail function in WordPress to send verification e-mails. If this notice appears, it means that your WordPress Environment is not correctly configured to send e-mails. This is typically due to WordPress’s default mail system being restricted, or if the PHP mail() function is disabled on your server.

We recommend using the WP Mail SMTP plugin as this is a more robust method of sending e-mails: https://wpmailsmtp.com/how-to-fix-could-not-instantiate-mail-function-in-wordpress/

Once your WordPress site is correctly configured to send e-mails, the e-mail verification functionality in Really Simple SSL will also start working.

I receive the verification link in my inbox, but the e-mail address is not verified when clicking it

If you receive the verification link in your inbox, but the address does not become verified after clicking it; we recommend copying the verification link from the e-mail in a browser tab where you’re already logged in to WordPress. This often helps to resolve such issues.



Simple and Performant Security.
Easily improve site security with WordPress Hardening, Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), Login Protection, Vulnerability Detection and SSL certificate generation.