
We have added documentation and f.a.q. for the most common issues and questions which arise during installation and configuration. Please contact support for assistance if needed.

Realy Simple Security
No more worrying about managing vulnerabilities in WordPress, Plugins and Themes. Learn more

Really Simple SSL Pro

Let's Encrypt

Security Headers

Common Issues

Mixed Content




Suspected bots causing 404 errors

You might have received the following notice in your Really Simple SSL Dashboard about suspected bots triggering large numbers of “404 Not Found” errors on your site: This article explains why the plugin has built-in detection for large amounts of 404 pages being triggered, and

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Upgrade to 8.0

Really Simple SSL Pro 8.0: Another step towards Really Simple Security Perhaps it is one of the larger open secrets in WordPress, Really Simple SSL has been transitioning from a single-purpose SSL plugin towards a full-featured Security Plugin over the past year. As SSL encryption

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LiteSpeed cache and security headers

If you are using LiteSpeed cache you may have problems updating your security headers. This is because LiteSpeed cache will prevent the loading of our advanced-headers.php file. The solution for this is to add rsssl_after_saved_fields to the “Purge All Hooks” list in the LiteSpeed cache

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How valuable is your website?

Thousands of websites get hacked every day. It may not have happened to you, but there is no reason for cybercriminals not to try. People often think it won’t happen to their website because there is nothing to gain for an attacker. You may not

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W3 Total Cache and Security Headers

Disk: Enhanced mode blocks security headers If you are using W3 Total Cache in “Disk: Enhanced” mode, setting security headers in Really Simple SSL will not work correctly. Really Simple SSL sets security headers using PHP and the “Disk: Enhanced” mode in W3 Total Cache

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Rogue admin protection for WordPress

To protect your website against the creation of rogue admins, simply enable the “Restrict creation of administrators” setting under advanced hardening in Really Simple SSL Pro.

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