How to fix CSS and JS files with mixed content on other domains

If you have Really Simple SSL Pro installed, you might get the warning that your site contains references to JS or CSS files on other domains which in turn contain non-secure links.

For example, your site might include a .js file from a service you run on your site. If this JavaScript file, in turn, includes another file over http://, this will result in mixed content errors.

To fix this, you can try to ask the file owner on that other domain to change the URLs from http:// to //, which would make the script protocol independent.

If that is not possible, you can:

  • Download the file
  • Look up the http:// link and change it into //
  • Upload the file to your own site
  • Lookup the file or post where the file was included
  • Change the URL of the link, so that it points to the new file.

If this file is included in a plugin or theme, contact the plugin/theme author to request this update. Most would be happy to make this improvement.

Lightweight plugin, Heavyweight Security features. Get Pro and leverage your SSL certificate for WordPress security standards.