Really Simple SSL and Gutenberg


In the WordPress community a lot is being said about the upcoming release, which includes the new Gutenberg editor. Not all of it very enthusiastic. It is understandable, because so many plugins and themes have built on the current editor, that breaking changes would cause some serious problems.

From version 5.0 onwards this new page and post editing system will be introduced to WordPress. Gutenberg is a block-based page editor aiming to make designing of your webpage easier. Gutenberg will be introduced in phases and is currently available as a WordPress plugin. Everybody with coding knowledge and time on their hands can contribute to the project on github.

If you prefer to keep using the old WordPress editor there’s a plugin that disables Gutenberg entirely.

Gutenberg and Really Simple SSL

Gutenberg will be a major change for WordPress. Compatibility with Gutenberg will be an issue for a lot of plugins, therefore we already started testing Really Simple SSL in combination with Gutenberg. The mixed content fixer in the free version does the work on the output HTML only. This output, being standard HTML, hasn’t changed of course. So the free version is not affected by Gutenberg.

Really Simple SSL pro on the other hand does a scan on the text/html level in each post. And Gutenberg has changed the markup in posts, to be able to support the extended features, like the Guten Blocks. Before WordPress 5.0, if you insert an image in the editor, WordPress inserts a standard HTML <img src=””> tag. In Gutenberg on the other hand, an image might look something like “url”:”” which is converted to regular HTML on the front-end. We have updated the mixed content scan in the pro plugin to detect this pattern as well.

Another feature of Gutenberg is that you can declare reusable blocks. These blocks are saved as a separate post-type. Because of this, the actual mixed content might not be in the post itself anymore. So the scan will have to look in dependent reusable blocks as well, and find a corresponding post so the reusable block can be fixed.

The pro scan is now able to locate mixed content within all current image types in the Gutenberg editor (Image, Gallery and Cover Photo). We will continue to test and update the plugin when necessary to remain fully compatible with Gutenberg. Of course the plugin will also keep on working on sites without Gutenberg.

Curious? Go and try to use Gutenberg on your own website, feedback on Gutenberg is much appreciated and will help to improve it.

Let us know what you think of Gutenberg!

Lightweight plugin, Heavyweight Security features. Get Pro and leverage your SSL certificate for WordPress security standards.