Removing Mixed content fixer comment from HTML source

Really Simple SSL adds a HTML comment to the source of your website. Since 2.4 this is a data attribute. This makes it easy to check if the Mixed content fixer is active. This is necessary because sometimes other plugins block the Mixed content fixer. If this comment does not appear, you know there is a conflict.

Some users have asked me how to remove this comment. For those who do not want it there, I have described a way to remove it.

Please note: the automatic detection of plugin conflicts will not work if the comment is removed from the source code.

I’ve created a filter that makes it possible to remove the HTML comment.

Go to your theme’s functions.php in wp-content/themes/your-theme, and open it.

Add the following code:

add_filter("rsssl_fixer_output", "rsssl_comment_remover", 10, 1);

function rsssl_comment_remover($buffer){

//replace the comment with empty string

$buffer = str_replace('data-rsssl=1', "", $buffer);

return $buffer;


Don’t forget to clear your cache to see the result!

Lightweight plugin, Heavyweight Security features. Get Pro and leverage your SSL certificate for WordPress security standards.