Is your website GDPR compliant?

With the upcoming stricter privacy laws, GDPR, a lot of website owners are asking themselves if their site is ready for this new law. Right now we’re working on a plugin which will help you get your site ready.

Let Complianz handle the GDPR for your website!

The Complianz GDPR plugin will generate the required privacy statement, cookie statement and other required documents (like the processing contract) for you based on your website configuration, used cookies, and your answers to some questions. If your website’s usage of cookies requires your site to have a cookie warning (which is not necessarily so, see this website), a GDPR compliant cookie warning is added to your site.

Not all cookie warnings are GDPR compliant

Currently, a lot of sites offer a cookie warning, but don’t have the option to decline cookies and view the site. This is not the correct way to handle cookies. The Complianz plugin will handle this for you.

A cookie warning is not always needed

If you do not track users and only use Functional cookies; it could be that no cookie warning is needed. On the other hand, many sites do use services that set non-functional cookies & collect and/or share user data; and in such cases we highly recommend implementing a consent mechanism.

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