Google Chrome will start blocking mixed content soon

Google previously announced that it would block mixed content by default from Chrome 79 onwards (released December 2019), and that further changes to handling mixed content would be made in subsequent releases. With the release of Chrome 80 (released February 2020), mixed audio and video resources are now automatically being upgraded to https://. Mixed content images would still load, but would display a ‘not secure’ warning in the address bar.

Finally, with the introduction of Chrome 81, mixed image resources are now automatically upgraded to https:// as well, and images & other resources would now be blocked by default if they cannot load over https://.

What does this mean for my site?

If your site currently uses Really Simple SSL, nothing will change. The plugin continues to dynamically update http:// to https:// to make your site secure in all browsers. Loading a site that just recently moved to SSL in Chrome 81 can give the appearance of a secure site since Chrome forces all available resources over https://. The browser makes it appear as if your site is secure. while in reality. a different browser would still show a non-secure warning.

Therefore it’s important to thoroughly check your site in different browsers for any mixed content issues. The Really Simple SSL pro scan can help you with identifying and fixing possible mixed content issues.

Any questions or remarks? Let us know in the comments or contact us via the contact form.


Lightweight plugin, Heavyweight Security features. Get Pro and leverage your SSL certificate for WordPress security standards.