Login Protection

The login form is the central entry point for users to gain access to your website’s backend. Obviously, this also makes it a valuable target for hackers. The Login Protection features efficiently protect the login form and user accounts.

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About Login Protection

Two-Factor Authentication

Allow your site users to authenticate using a second authentication method, besides their email and password. This is a very effective way to prevent account theft.

Passkey login

Add Passkey login to your site as a very secure and user-friendly login method. It allows users to authenticate using their their password manager, browser or device, i.c.w. biometrics like fingerprint or FaceID.

Limit Login Attempts

Stop bots from trying to guess user’s passwords. Limit Login Attemtps allows to block IP addresses and usernames after a set number of failed attempts. You can also block visitors from entire regions from logging in.

Password Security

Bad password practices  are still very common. Password security allows you to tighten password requirements and therefor the chance for user accounts to be compromised.

Multilayered Login Protection...