
Really Simple Security Pro offers a powerful and performant WordPress Firewall. Easily block malicious requests to your site based on automated and customizable Firewall rules. 

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About the Firewall

Built for performance

The Really Simple Security Firewall is powerful yet performant. It is developed to add essential contextual protection, without the desire to constitute a cloud-based Web Application Firewall.

404 Blocking

Every site will be visited by scanners and bots that try to find possible exploits. As these scans often try to visit non-existing pages, we can block clients that trigger unusual numbers of 404 not found errors.

User-Agent blocking

Really Simple Security includes a growing list of User-Agents that are known to be either malicious bots or resource-consuming (AI) scanners. These will also be blocked by the Firewall.

Region restrictions

The Firewall allows you to block entire countries or continents if your site experiences attacks or fraudulent traffic from specific regions. 

The most performant WordPress Firewall...