If you want just a few pages on your website on SSL, just one page not on SSL, this plugin offers this possibility. In the settings you can add pages, posts, or any other post-type or even custom post types that you want to be on SSL. This plugin needs to be installed instead of Really Simple SSL, and is not meant to be an add-on.

By checking “exclude pages from SSL”, you can switch to excluding pages from SSL.

On the front-end, the mixed content fixer kicks in when a page is loaded on SSL. This plugin integrates seamlessly with the Really Simple SSL pro plugin if you want to scan your site for insecure items.

Some screenshots below to get an idea of the options. You can take a look at the instruction video to see how the plugin works. Take a look at the demo site to see how a site can switch between SSL and non SSL with the help of this plugin.

Find the bulk selection option in the bulk actions dropdown
Bulk selection option


https / http pages overview. Click on the lock to switch http/https
Enable, or disalbe SSL on the page / post itself, depending on your exclude pages setting

What is included with this plugin: