Authentication vulnerability in tagDiv composer and Newspaper plugins

The tagDiv Composer plugin for WordPress has a security issue that could allow someone to access your account without permission. This problem affects versions up to 3.5 and is related to how the Facebook login feature works. If someone knows your email address

Detected in:

Newspaper - News & WooCommerce WordPress Theme fixed vulnerable versions: >= * <= 12
tagDiv Composer fixed vulnerable versions: >= * < 3.5
NewsMag open vulnerable versions: >= * <= 5.2.1

This information is sourced from An open-source database of vulnerabilities maintained by the community. Help us out by submitting vulnerabilities!

Version compare shows which versions have a vulnerability. For example: >= 2.2.8 <= 2.2.21 means:

> from 2.2.8
= including 2.2.8 & 2.2.21
< to 2.2.21

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