Input validation vulnerability in Contact Form Plugin – Fastest Contact Form Builder Plugin for WordPress by Fluent Forms 4.3.25

The FluentForm WordPress plugin is vulnerable to SQL Injection in versions up to and including 4.3.25. This is because user supplied parameters are not escaped properly and existing SQL queries are not prepared correctly. This makes it possible for attackers with administrator-level access or higher to add extra SQL queries to existing queries. This can be used to access sensitive information from the database.

Detected in:

This information is sourced from An open-source database of vulnerabilities maintained by the community. Help us out by submitting vulnerabilities!

Version compare shows which versions have a vulnerability. For example: >= 2.2.8 <= 2.2.21 means:

> from 2.2.8
= including 2.2.8 & 2.2.21
< to 2.2.21

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