Input validation vulnerability in ImageRecycle pdf & image compression 3.1.11

The ImageRecycle plugin for WordPress, up to version 3.1.10, is vulnerable to a type of cyberattack called Reflected Cross-Site Scripting. This type of attack occurs when an attacker is able to insert malicious code into a website by exploiting a security flaw in the plugin. If a user clicks on a link that contains this malicious code, it will run and could cause harm to the user or the website. To protect users, it is important to ensure that the plugin is up-to-date and secure.

Detected in:

ImageRecycle pdf & image compression fixed vulnerable versions: >= * < 3.1.11

This information is sourced from An open-source database of vulnerabilities maintained by the community. Help us out by submitting vulnerabilities!

Version compare shows which versions have a vulnerability. For example: >= 2.2.8 <= 2.2.21 means:

> from 2.2.8
= including 2.2.8 & 2.2.21
< to 2.2.21

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