Ultimate Carousel For Divi

Ultimate Divi Carousel is a plugin that allows users to easily create visually stunning carousels for their WooCommerce products, WordPress post types, taxonomy categories, or images without needing to know any programming. The plugin can help increase interactivity and engagement on a website and drive more sales for a business. Additionally, the WooCommerce Product Carousel Divi Module can be used to showcase products in a visually stunning way.

This information is sourced from wpvulnerabilities.com. An open-source database of vulnerabilities maintained by the community. Help us out by submitting vulnerabilities!


  • Input validation vulnerability in Freemius SDK 2.5.9 (1072 components affected)


    The Freemius SDK for WordPress is vulnerable to an attack known as Reflected Cross-Site Scripting. This attack is possible because of insufficient security measures in versions of the Freemius SDK up ...

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  • Access violation vulnerability in Freemius SDK (620 components affected)


    Freemius, a software development kit used by hundreds of WordPress plugin and theme developers, had a security vulnerability in its older versions (up to and including 2.4.2). This vulnerability could...

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