Qtranslate Slug

This information is sourced from wpvulnerabilities.com. An open-source database of vulnerabilities maintained by the community. Help us out by submitting vulnerabilities!


  • Input validation vulnerability in Qtranslate Slug 1.1.16


    The plugin called Qtranslate Slug, used for WordPress websites, has a security issue where hackers can insert harmful code into a webpage by tricking a user into clicking on a link. This vulnerabilit...

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  • Input validation vulnerability in Qtranslate Slug 1.1.18


    The Qtranslate Slug plugin for WordPress is not secure in versions up to 1.1.18. It is possible for people outside of the website to manipulate the data stored on the site without proper authenticati...

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  • Input validation vulnerability in 68 different plugins


    Around 70 different plugins and themes had a security issue that could let someone else do something on the website without permission. The problem was that the system that was meant to stop this fro...

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