Pop-Up Chop Chop

Pop-Up Chop Chop is a WordPress plugin that offers customizable pop-up templates in two sizes, with unlimited pop-up numbers and multiple input fields. The pop-ups are fully responsive and work with any WordPress theme. The plugin also features a user-friendly interface, email notifications, and the ability to turn pop-ups on/off on mobile devices. Pop-Up Chop Chop is a great solution for capturing audience attention and building mailing lists.

This information is sourced from wpvulnerabilities.com. An open-source database of vulnerabilities maintained by the community. Help us out by submitting vulnerabilities!


  • Access violation vulnerability in Redirection 1.1.9


    Some plugins and themes created by Inisev for WordPress are at risk of being accessed without permission. This is because certain functions in different versions do not have proper checks to prevent ...

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  • Input validation vulnerability in 11 plugins by Inisev


    Several plugins for WordPress created by Inisev have a security vulnerability which can allow unauthorised installation of plugins. This is due to the lack of a security check on the handle_installati...

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  • Access violation vulnerability in 11 plugins by Inisev


    Several plugins that are used on WordPress websites created by Inisev have a security vulnerability that can allow attackers with very limited permissions, such as subscribers, to install certain plug...

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  • Access violation vulnerability in Pop-up 1.1.5


    The Pop-up plugin for WordPress is not secure in versions up to 1.1.5. This means that people with a lower level of access (like subscribers) can do things they would not normally be allowed to do

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  • Access violation vulnerability in Pop-up 1.1.1


    The Pop-up plugin for WordPress is vulnerable to an issue that allows unauthorized people to make changes to the plugin's settings. This issue affects versions up to and including 1.1.1. It is caused...

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  • Input validation vulnerability in Pop-Up Chop Chop 2.1.7


    The Pop-Up Chop Chop plugin for WordPress is not secure in versions up to and including 2.1.7. This means that people with special permissions can insert malicious code into webpages. When a user visi...

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