Hide Admin Bar Based on User Roles

The Hide Admin Bar plugin allows users to hide the admin bar based on selected user roles and capabilities. It includes features such as hiding the admin bar for all users or guests, selecting specific user roles to hide the admin bar for, and hiding the admin bar based on user capabilities. The plugin has received positive reviews and is developed by the same team behind the Page Visit Counter and Disable Block Editor FullScreen mode plugins.

This information is sourced from wpvulnerabilities.com. An open-source database of vulnerabilities maintained by the community. Help us out by submitting vulnerabilities!


  • Input validation vulnerability in Freemius SDK 2.5.9 (1072 components affected)


    The Freemius SDK for WordPress is vulnerable to an attack known as Reflected Cross-Site Scripting. This attack is possible because of insufficient security measures in versions of the Freemius SDK up ...

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  • Input validation vulnerability in Hide Admin Bar Based on User Roles 3.1.0


    The Hide Admin Bar Based On User Roles plugin for WordPress has a security vulnerability in versions earlier than 3.1.0. This vulnerability could allow an unauthenticated attacker to manipulate plugi...

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