Display Data on your site! Create Dynamic Content Templates from any form of data. Works with ACF, Pods, BuddyPress/ BuddyBoss

The FormBuilder plugin allows users to display any field type and create dynamic templates to display values dynamically. It can be used in the Gutenberg Block Editor or FSE Themes, and conveniently use form fields data as dynamic data in Gutenberg templates. The plugin can also be used with any Pagebuilder like Elementor or DIVI to create dynamic single pages or a complete dynamic layout. Additionally, users can create a list and reorder items via drag and drop in the FormBuilder.

This information is sourced from wpvulnerabilities.com. An open-source database of vulnerabilities maintained by the community. Help us out by submitting vulnerabilities!


  • Input validation vulnerability in Freemius SDK 2.5.9 (1072 components affected)


    The Freemius SDK for WordPress is vulnerable to an attack known as Reflected Cross-Site Scripting. This attack is possible because of insufficient security measures in versions of the Freemius SDK up ...

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  • Input validation vulnerability in Display Data on your site! Create Dynamic Content Templates from any form of data. Works with ACF, Pods, BuddyPress/ BuddyBoss 1.3.8


    The plugin BuddyForms Hook Fields for WordPress has a security vulnerability in versions up to and including 1.3.8. This vulnerability allows attackers to inject malicious web scripts into pages that...

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